A man lost an eye and half his face to cancer, and used it to start a career as a zombie actor. Well I sure do really admire the character of this man, most of us if we faced with such a situation, i`m quite sure that`s not how we would actually deal with the situation. Just by the diagnosis most of us would actually loose all hopes and probably start counting our days to the grave and apparently doing last moments things. For this man he decided to take his negative situation and actually turn it into a positive one, to something great, something really quite inspiring.
Well nowadays we as young people , when actually faced by difficulties, we tend to burn “the whole book” just because of one small paragraph that wasn`t right, well that’s the generation I live in .We forget that God actually created us for us for a reason and that we are strong enough than even the challenges we face. Remember everything is hard before its easy .Its actually all about viewing the negative in a different way….a positive way that can actually help us overcome the challenge . Let`s not get tired of following our dreams and goals ,lets always go that extra mile….which for a fact it`s never really crowded.
Let`s also not forget to work with each other and accept each other`s flaws and weaknesses .Accept and love all things on earth without judgement ,then the world will know peace. Finally lets always celebrate each and every victory ,no matter how tiny it is, it needs credit…it`s worth it.